I am sitting in the kitchen. Walk On The Wild Side (Tok Tok Tok version) playing on the music machine. This post is in real-time format:)
I am trying to make some blue ink. To this purpose I cut off all the flowers from my dying hyacinths. Water and flowers in a pot. Now I’m waiting for the water to boil away. The water is green. It smells like hyacinths and vegetables. I wonder…
The Space Between
Over the last months I’ve been on a journey to renew my sense of wonder. To find the art that there is to everything. Helping me on my journey:
- Misty Mawn’s art workshop Make/Do Art
- Elena Brower’s Art of Attention meditation workshop
- Danielle LaPorte’s ‘What would you do to feel the way that you want to feel’ Day Planner
The ink still looks green. Rather cabbagey. I think if it stays like this I will add blueberries. It will still be natural and that’s the point. Handmade ink with earthy ingredients. Maybe I didn’t take enough flowers. I could add either turmeric to make a yellowy-green or blueberries. What do I feel like? I think blue. Might be a bit dirty, but that’s ok. The hyacinths deserve a second life.
About to start reading The Balance Within by Esther M. Steenberg, M.D. It’s about the Science Connecting Health and Emotions. The Wasington Post review on the back starts with “Uncommonly artful…”
See, it’s the theme for me right now – to live an artful life.
I am also following Lilla Rogers’ #bemorewoowoo videos. She is sooooo cool. Calls herself our fairy art mother in her online workshops. I’ve noticed that woowoo isn’t always welcome in all circles. But Michi and I binge-watched Star Wars on the weekend and come on, Star Wars is super-woowoo. When you believe in the force, you’re kind of part of the “woowoos”. “Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, and find him you will.” – Yoda. The woowoo-closet out of I will come :)
The ink is ready now and very blueberry. So I’ll call it Blueberry ink with a heart of hyacinths. I will go make a label now, while the ink is cooling down.
Tada! Handmade Ink
I added a bit of rubbing alcohol to keep the ink a bit longer. And done! This was interesting. The ink pot spilled over when I opened it for the first time after adding the label. That’s ok. There’s something nice about the stains left after we spill over. Like learning or memories or change and new beginnings. And now my label has character.
Wonderful! I wanna make ink now!
Then I think you shouldn’t hesitate:) You really can make it from just about anything natural. Have fun! x
Can I just say: how COOL is this!? Love everything about it, down to the arty inkspill on the hand-painted label :)
Thank you:) I was surprised at how much I enjoyed making it. From the idea that I might actually try this all the way to making the label:) I think I’ll try out ink from avocado-pips next (just need to collect some first). Apparently the ink will be pink!