Just paper

by | Nov 7, 2014 | The Space Between

Who received her starter kit in the mail yesterday? It’s me! Beautiful paper samples, papery bits and paper tape. Definitely Paperlove(ly). I also managed to meanwhile rearrange my studio and I think I am ready to start. It seems that I need a fresh start with every project. To get myself properly in the paper zone, I chose to do a paper project for my  7-year old art student Elizoe. Our mission: Creativity Preservation. It was wonderful. She is wonderful really, I am just lucky to be a witness.

I am working on my main project today for Week 1: Paper. The project is to make a journal or an even better word for it as per the assignment instructions –  a receptacle. I’ve done the texture exercise this morning and it was great fun to just work with paper. No glue, no paint. Just paper. I love the outcome. I love the textures, the possibilities and the whiteness of it all.

Week 1: Paper - texture

Week 1: Paper – Texture

Will be getting on with my receptacle now. I wish you a beautiful weekend!

PS. I will be celebrating my 5th wedding anniversary tonight with my lovely husband. I am a lucky girl x